Blue Lotus Flowers (Nymphaea Caerulea)

Blue Lotus Flowers (Nymphaea Caerulea) bloom from exotic waters, such as the Nile in Egypt, once a year for only three days, making them extremely rare. In Ancient Egyptian culture, they were deeply connected to the sun god Ra and were seen as the hieroglyph for life, everlasting life, and resurrection in ancient Egypt.

This aquatic flower grows in freshwater lakes, rivers, pools, and ponds and is endemic to the eastern half of Africa, as well as parts of southern Arabia, but has spread to other parts of the world as an ornamental plant for decoration.

Blue Lotus is known by (or referred to) by many different names, including Egyptian Blue Lotus, Blue Water Lily, Cape Water Lily, Blue Lotus of the Nile & more…however, some of these refer to different varieties other than the authentic (and superior) Nymphaea Caerulea that we offer.

Ancient papyri and tomb walls contain images of the flower, which holds cultural significance. Historically, it was used as a folk remedy in Egypt to induce relaxation & sleep.

Blue Lotus Flower has historically been believed to elicit spiritual or religious insights. The two elements that are said to be the reason for these insights are nuciferine and apomorphine.Blue Lotus Flowers (Nymphaea Caerulea) contain antioxidants like flavonoids, quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin that can slow or prevent damage from free radicals.